Our Story

Rose Nadeau-Bio

My name is Rose Nadeau. I was born in Canada was raised in a small town in Ontario, called Timmins. I am presently living in Ajax Ontario. I am the fifth child in a family of six. My passion for singing began in my small town, in a small school choir.

As a child I remember how nervous I was when I was asked to try out for my first audition. They accepted me and every year after that I was chosen and became a permanent choir member through my whole elementary school years.

I then married and gave birth to two beautiful daughters. I am the proud grandmother of four grandchildren. Both of my daughters sang in our local church choir with me the years they were growing up.

My marriage ended in divorce after nine years of struggling with marital problems.

It was then that my search for meaning and purpose in life began. I had a broken heart that needed to be mended and shattered dreams that caused me to loose hope. I was left with a broken heart and I needed healing .

A friend of my asked me to attend a New Beginnings Weekend for people who were separated widowed or divorced. It was this weekend that changed my whole life. I had a conversion experience and found the love of God which my soul had been searching for. I accepted his love and forgiveness for me . It was then I came to the realization the I in return had to forgive my spouse before I could move on to living a life of peace and harmony. It is not likely that any person can become a good song writer if they are carrying around anger, resentment or unresolved issues in their heart and soul.

The bitterness the jealousy the pain hurt , the loneliness and lack of forgiveness had to be removed to make room for faith hope and love and the King of Glory to enter in.

Music comes from the heart and my heart needed mending. God granted me the grace to forgive others who had hurt me which I did. Then I was on my way to a new life and my new walk.

Shortly after that encounter with God I was invited to attend another weekend called Cursillo. This weekend brought me even closer to God and it was at this retreat where the beginning of my song writing career started. God gave me the gift of poetry and I wrote my first poem called , “A Rose In The Garden of Life.” Since then more new songs continued to bubble up inside of me and thye have never stopped. I THANK God everyday for this gift .

I discovered that song writing was just putting melody to words. I began picking up one poem at a time and began playing around with different tunes that I thought went well with the words and bingo my song writing took off and the poems and melodies just kept flowing out of me.

I was a hairstylist and with every dollar I earned I managed to find a local recording studio and began working on my music one song at a time. I had a burning passion to put my music on C.D’S so I could share these songs from my heart with others. Evangelization is my mission and music is my tool.

I have been recording songs off and on as my finances would permit me since 1987. I now have a collection of over seventy five songs. My collection has been growing through the years with every experience of life I just keep on writing another song. I always said that because I write so much so often I would probably never see all of my writings on C.D. in my life time. They just keep on flowing out of my heart as I journey through life experiencing different circumstances.

I write my songs out of personal experiences through my many trials on the road of life , Life has led me on mountain tops and many days in the valley of darkness. There has been many storms on that journey from battling breast cancer to dealing with the sorrows, sting of grief from losing loved ones.

The list of trials keep sailing on but with faith, hope, love and trust in God he helps us overcome them all and another songs wells up in my heart to share and strengthen others . Every storm I went through I thought would damage my sail but God was in the boat with me and I am still sailing onward. Every storm I thought would sink my ship and drown me, it did not because God was with me. Every dark cloud that rolled by me and caused me to become crippled with fear God revealed his presence in the boat with me and stretched out his hand to save me.

There is a scripture that I live by every day and it is in Romans 8:35-40.

Can any thing cut us off from the love of Christ - can hardships or distress, or persecution, or lack of food and clothing, or threats of violence ; as scriptures says : For our sakes we are being massacred all day long treated as sheep to be slaughtered ?

No, we come through all these things triumphantly victorious, by the power of him who loved us .For I am certain of this : neither death nor life nor angel, or principality , nothing already in existence and nothing still to come, nor any power, nor the height or depth, nor any created thing whatsoever, will be able to come between us and the love of God, known to us in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

This scripture has always kept me smiling throughout my Sacred journey and when I needed encouragement God saw me through every storm of life , one mile at a time, one trial at a time, one day at a time.

God spoke to my heart and said: “Rose I have been there for you in your storms of life talking to you as you prayed to me for help. I consoled you which has inspired you to write these poems and songs , now share them with your brothers and sisters. Bring them encouragement , share these consoling words which I have spoken to you in the darkness to bring light to your brothers and sisters in their storms of their life. Go tell my children I love them they have nothing to fear I will be with them as I have been with you until the end of the world.”

God does not want his children lost, or to be in despair, or to live in doubt and fear. The right song filled with the right words at the right time can be a very valuable tool to lift someone out of despair and discouragement which happens to everyone at some point in time in their lives. Crosses are part of this life we must accept it. Jesus carried a cross and if we are to follow him we must carry ours.

For several years I have been ministering to the elderly with my music in local homes for the aged putting a smile on their face and a song in their heart. I may never win any Grammy awards for the best singer /song writer on this side of the earth but in heaven I know that my little deeds done in love is what God gives out his rewards for.

My future goals are to work on getting a video production made so I can share my music with my nursing homes friends. I have moved so many times and each time I had to leave my friends were so disappointed. At least if I have a video of me they could play they won’t miss me so much and my ministry of making them smile can live on long after I leave this world.

God has been good to me and he has been there for me and I just want to lift his name up in a song and sing praises to Him who is worthy to be praised. I want to share with others that “The Lord has done great things for me and holy is his name.
If you feel called to support me with my music ministry please go to my online store to purchase any of the cd's below. These make a great  gifts for reaching out and evangelizing others.